Free Natal Chart

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Sun in Cancer, Moon in Gemini

The Antenna

Sun in Cancer, Moon in Gemini
Your combination suggests wit, sophistication, and intellectual agility. Highly perceptive and a natural critic, you have a phenomenal memory and the ability to learn just about anything. Your Cancer personality is intuitive, sensitive, and impressionable, while your Gemini inner nature is restless, variety seeking, and inquisitive. But despite your buoyant spirit and gifted mind, you’ve got your fair share of problems.

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Introspection is difficult for you because you are so busy sorting out all the conflicting demands and impressions you receive from those around you. Like all highly sensitive individuals, you run the risk of over-accommodation and adaptation. In other words, rather than doing what you want to be doing in life, you may find yourself fulfilling someone else’s dream. Rather than feeling what you really feel, you may be responding to the emotional environment around you: in a tense or overly aggressive environment, you become tense and aggressive; in a peaceful, noncompetitive atmosphere, you become tranquil and passive. Like a chameleon you take on the color of your surroundings, and thus it is difficult to find yourself and discover what your true aims in life really are. Is it any wonder that Cancer-Gemini Henry David Thoreau chose to work outside the mainstream of society, where his work and thoughts would be unimpeded?

Next time you have to make a decision, stop and think: “What is it that I want?” learn to be more self-assertive. Stop, look within, and discover what your true desires and goals are. And once you have found what they are, don’t be afraid to act. Remember, your first impressions are very often correct, so learn to trust them and rely on them.

Your decisions should be your own; but Cancer-Gemini does usually work best in partnership or within an organized, structured framework. Not an executive type (since you tend to be indecisive), your ingenuity, imagination, and intellectual skills can still be valuable in many fields. You may be attracted to advertising and the media. Or, if there are strong creative or artistic aspects in your chart, you can go far in the arts.

You are loyal to whoever happens to be around at the time, and sometimes you may make promises that you can’t keep. Female Cancer-Geminis may be overwhelmed by stronger and more self-assertive partners, and thus run the risk of losing themselves in a submissive role. You should search for a partner who is as independent and open-minded as yourself, and avoid those who are overbearing or domineering. A Gemini Moon also tends to make one hypercritical. Don’t nag your partner just because he or she fails to provide you with novelty and excitement twenty-four hours a day.

Yours is a potentially anxious nature, especially when overstimulated. Fares better with minimal influx of frequencies. Recharges by reading, via music -- whatever has an atmosphere, a home for the imagination. Curious and caring. 

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Friday, August 7, 2015

Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Taurus

The Guilty Conscience

Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Taurus

Your combination combines the spiritual and visionary qualities of Sagittarius with the worldly wisdom and practicality of Taurus. You are an individual of great insight and you think in broad, abstract terms. Drawn to the creative and the artistic, you are quite capable of realizing some of your inspired concepts.

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But too much often those dreams remain dreams, because (as with all natives of Moon in Taurus) you’ve got to have security before you embark on any crusades. This means a substantial bank account and a comfortable home. The practical side of your nature keeps you from pursuing a shaky or unconventional career, even if it might prove more rewarding in the long run. Security is important to everyone, but don’t let it become your sole pursuit in life. No matter how materially comfortable you become, you may always feel an inner discontent if you don’t act occasionally on your impulses.

Your sympathy for others is boundless—which may be another reason why you have trouble following through on your dreams. Sentimentality often obscures your judgment. Let’s face it: You’re really a nice person and quite softhearted. It’s hard for you to say no to people, and there’s nothing you hate more than the thought of refusing someone. Deep within, you might feel some guilt about stepping forward and expressing your viewpoints. Most of your fears are imaginary (you do have quite an intense imagination); as you are by nature such a warmhearted and giving person, you will always be loved and respected no matter path you choose to follow in life.

You have a very sensual and earthy nature. Pleasure is one of your favorite pursuits. But comfort isn’t everything; you can too easily lapse into complacency, or adopt a smug outlook. For that reason, all Sagittarius-Taureans must remain active and socially involved, cultivating a wide range of activities.

Aside from purely creative or artistic pursuits, you have a flair for business. A good gambler, you know just when to make a speculation or take a financial risk. People with this combination can excel as entrepreneurs, for personality and charm work to your advantage and people sense their inherent dignity, trustworthiness, and honesty. Although a very serious individual, you are always optimistic and positive in your approach to life and setbacks rarely faze you.

Very romantic, you will search for a partner who shares your good nature and trust. Open and uninhibited in expressing your love, you understand the value of sharing, and you expect an equal amount of love in return.

If Sagittarius is stronger Taurus in your chart you're the other side of this coin:  very idealistic. Almost to the extent that your ideology absorbs practical purposes. You are aspiring rather than ambitious, and you generally look for idealistic rather than realistic satisfactions in life. You never seem to be particularly concerned about everyday matters, such a making a living, working under the assumption that your needs will somehow be provided for, and usually they are. You really have too much faith in people. Most of time people do respond to you as you had hoped and expected they would. When they don't, however, you really let it get under your skin and bog you down. You have so many dreams and illusions, but you really let it get you down when people are ugly or unkind, and the harsh realities of your environment start to close in on you. You can't seem to handle criticism or put downs well.

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Thursday, August 6, 2015

Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Aries

The Tattler

Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Aries

In “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” the child who pointed out that the Emperor was naked must have been a Sagittarius-Aries. No other combination embodies such candid outspokenness. Dynamic, impulsive, and extremely independent, you lack inhibition and have the courage to say exactly what you feel.

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You’re forthright and fearless, and things are as you see them—and to hell with what others may think. You have a serious and philosophical side to your nature, too, and there are few subjects you cannot discuss intelligently. But no matter how precocious and perceptive you may be, your emotional development lags far behind your intellect. More a wide-eyed child than a dignified scholar, it’s nearly impossible for you to sit still for very long; you constantly want to find adventure and excitement. There is a dichotomy between the way you express yourself (knowledgeably and profoundly) and the way you act (recklessly). And there is nothing you enjoy more than shocking people with your unconventional behavior; at the Halloween party, you are the only one not in costume.

Humor ranks among your greatest assets. Satirical and lighthearted, you nevertheless manage to irk some people by pointing out all the things they are trying to ignore. But, fortunately, your attacks are usually directed at those who deserve them! You are both a shrew realist and a perennial optimist; with childlike nonchalance and innocence, you try your best to reveal the hypocrisy you see around you.

Despite your lack of restraint and proper manners, you are never without friends. Warmhearted and generous, people admire your courage and fresh, appealing charm. An audience is what you crave and an audience is what you usually get. Your combination is well suited for critic, satirist, playwright, and humorist. James Thurber and Mark Twain are both good examples of Sagittarius-Aries.

Though you are basically benevolent and kind, you must watch that rather oversized ego of yours. People may adore you, but they can’t help sensing a certain arrogance in your
manner. Drama is your password. Thriving on competition and challenge, you love to show off your wit and courage. Be more respectful of the feelings and opinions of others, and occasionally try a little thoughtful reflection before you speak.

This combination implies diversity and it’s very likely you will have more than one occupation in life. You are drawn to politics, teaching (you love to lecture and your enthusiasm can make the most mundane subject sparkle), and anything that implies competition.

In your relationships and in your love life, you can be callous. You’re passionate and ardent, but you are not a very good listener—even though you expect your partner to be one. Try to respect your mate’s interests more. And watch out for your own vanity; you can become easily too enchanted with yourself.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus

The Leader

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus

Shrewd, practical, and determined, you are a very serious individual. A natural leader, you project an aura of authority and self-control. Your vision is broad and far-reaching, causing you to think and act on a grand scale. Like all people who have confidence and faith in themselves, you probably feel as though you have a mission in life; and once you determine just what that mission is, you will pursue it with unwavering intensity.

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You never have to say very much. People sense you know quite a lot and your magnetic, self-assured presence speaks for itself. You’re a realist through and through, common sense and a firm understanding of the ways of men help you to put your lofty dreams and visions into action. Yet , although you’re a realist, and even a bit on the cynical side, it is amazing how superstitious you can be at times—reaching for your favorite lucky charm when in doubt.

Secrecy is your trademark. Although you have great depth and sympathy for others, you never let anyone know how you feel or what you may be thinking. On the surface, you are almost always calm and controlled. When you encounter defeat or frustration, you may brood for a while, but then you bounce back fresh and even more determined. However, that tendency to guard your thoughts and suppress your emotions, rather than dealing with them openly and honestly, can lead to many psychological problems. It’s important that you learn to communicate freely and without inhibition.

Both signs of this combination are fixed signs, which gives you plenty of resolve and determination but also makes you somewhat rigid and biased in your convictions and beliefs. You have the imagination, energy, and breadth of vision to accomplish great things, but you must see that your stubbornness and flexibility don’t hamper your progress. You always think you are right, and this smug attitude often blinds your judgment and causes you to lose perspective. Learn to become more objective in your approach to life, so that you do not bring personal bias into every judgment.

You have keen and subtle powers of persuasion, which would make you an excellent salesperson. You are also good with money, and would excel in the area of finance. Your strong leadership abilities can be applied imaginatively in politics or in the military. Like all those with Moon in Taurus, you have tremendous sympathy, kindness, and a protective attitude toward others. You feel an urge to help those less advantaged than yourself, and many Scorpio-Taureans have strong humanitarian sentiments.

Both signs of your combination are intensely sensual, and you have quite a healthy appetite for sexual pleasure. Many romantic affairs are likely for the Scorpio-Taurus. You are possessive and quite jealous. Watch that urge to control your partner and learn to give him or her the same kind of freedom you yourself require. Your kindness, affection, and loyalty compensate for some of those overbearing qualities.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Gemini

The Blythe Spirit

Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Gemini
No matter how restless, impulsive, adventuresome, and extravagant you may be, somehow you always manage to get by. Cleverness and luck follow you wherever you go, shielding you from perils that anyone else of your capricious nature would helplessly suffer.

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You are quite an adventurer. Nervous and high-strung, you feel a constant urge to be on the move, and you’re likely to explore many lands and investigate many ideas.

Always the non-comformist, you do pretty much what you want to in life because freedom is the one thing you crave most of all. Independent to an extreme, you become unnerved if anyone attempts to influence you. An eternal optimist, you have a buoyant, lighthearted spirit others find irresistible. But no matter how outgoing and congenial you appear, you never lose that air of detachment. And although you can get rather emotional on the surface, inside you are always quite cool.

Concentration is no your forte. Yours could be the combination of a great scholar and innovator, if you could only develop the patience required to master something. You just can’t sit still: From your early years, you spend much of your time in preparation for your next big move. As time goes on, you may feel some anxiety and perhaps even guilt as your failure to apply your talents leaves you without any sense of purpose or accomplishment. Eventually, you may find that, although your life has been eventful, you have little to show for it. Cultivate some patience and the discipline it takes to fulfill yourself. Don’t be content to rely simply on cleverness and luck.

You have a vivid imagination, and you love to weave stories and tales; you can be an excellent writer, artist, or filmmaker. But you are prone to exaggeration. It’s sometimes so difficult for you to keep your colorful imagination within bounds that the line between fantasy and reality becomes blurred. Some people may think of you as inconsistent, and some may accuse you of lying. It’s not that you are actually malicious or deceitful (in fact, you are honorable to the core); it’s just that, in continually changing your mind, you frequently confound others by saying on thing and doing another. If you were more cautious before speaking, you might avoid this problem. Be certain you believe whatever it is you’re about to say.

You are as inconsistent in love as in everything else. Finding a partner who can put up with those extreme moods, or who can walk as fast and travel as often, can be difficult. So you’ll go through many affairs before you settle down—if you can ever settle down.

You are an adventurous soul and, in both romantic and geographical mobility, will range the world pretty thoroughly before you are through. You are lucky financially, and money comes in to you readily so that you’re protected from want. You aren’t very much concerned with security – probably because you’ve always had it – but in some way or other you are able to talk your way around difficult situations and pop up on the other side of them with your pockets full. You are glib, expressive, possibly eloquent with both voice and pen. This is one of the positions of those who in honorable fashion live by their wits and manage while doing so to achieve a good deal of popular prestige. It is distinctly a professional and artistic position, and if you are in a business career, get out of it and put your mind to work on what you have to offer that will bring you greater returns for less expenditure of physical energy. The idea of getting something for nothing, or for very little, is highly congenial to you. What’s more, you know how to do it; you make the world pay well for what you have to give it. You have a way of dramatizing your own powers so that those in authority are eager and willing to pay well for what you have to say. You are a super salesman of yourself, loving to hold the center of the stage.

You give the impression of wisdom and great reserve strength, but how much you have that isn’t in active service you know best, though you aren’t likely to tell. You are highly aware of your world, though not so much of yourself, and you are likely to take yourself a shade too seriously – which may be part of the reason why others take you seriously. You have a good deal of pride which may be petty sometimes, and you are capable of saying cutting things about anyone who competes with you for the center of the stage. You are attractive to the opposite sex but not constant in love affairs; your restlessness demands variety. Despite your expressed idealism, you’re pretty much of a realist and know on which side your bread is buttered. You wouldn’t do a dishonorable thing, but you are able to justify a whole lot on pragmatic or practical grounds. You are an opportunist and you hate to see opportunities wasted; you are capable of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps in jig time and coming out at the top just when you were supposed to be down and out.

This is in some way or another the position of the pioneer who is capable of influencing the minds of men to practical purpose and of advancing his own banner at the same time.

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Monday, August 3, 2015

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aries

The Individual

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aries

Serious and purposeful, you always have a goal or objective in sight. Mars, the planet of war, rules both signs of your combination, which gives you a very aggressive and independent outlook. 

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Egocentric is the word that describes you best, for no matter how warm and compassionate you may seem on the surface, you always look out for Number One first and foremost. No matter how many friends you may have, you remain essentially a loner, preferring to follow your own carefully chosen path. Sensual and self-indulgent, you don’t need any justification for your existence, and you never lose faith in yourself—no matter how many setbacks you encounter.

All this aside, people respect you, simply because you respect yourself; they admire your purposefulness, intensity, and conviction. In addition, your combination endows you with fantastic powers of perception and intelligence. How you choose to use these gifts, of course, is up to you. There are really two kinds of Scorpio-Aries: One is compassionate, spiritual, and humanitarian; the other, more common type is self-aggrandizing, concerned only with enriching his or her own life through material acquisition and the attainment of power. Either type possesses the tenacity, willpower, and courage to be successful, provided the individual is not victimized by his or her own tragic flaws.

Excessive pride, intolerance, impatience, and arrogance are the traits that distort your perceptions and cause you to suffer defeat and frustration. It’s extremely difficult for you to compromise, much less listen to reason. You stubbornly consider yourself your own boss, and when you encounter criticism or dis agreement in your work or love life, you stomp off in anger. You must learn to bend now and then and to work in harmony with those around you. You have fantastic creative, spiritual, and leadership potential, but it can only be applied when you learn that others are also entitled to have opinions.

As worldly success is so important to you, you’d better learn to detach yourself a little more from your activities. Next time you face defeat or frustration, instead of losing your temper or nervously brooding, try to just relax and look at the problem from afar. Try to develop a more tolerant, open-minded attitude, even when it comes to yourself.

Professionally, your combination is ideal for business, management, and powerful positions in general. Shrewd and a natural detective, you can discover the chinks in anyone’s armor and then use your findings to your advantage. Personal magnetism also contributes to your business flair.
In love, you are possessive and jealous. Sex is a very important part of your life and you need plenty of it, if only as an outlet for your abundant energy. You do tend to be somewhat insensitive to the needs and desires of your partner, preferring to dominate rather than to share. Many volatile personal relationships are likely for the Scorpio-Aries.

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Free Readings and Book! The Secret Languages

Free Readings and Book! The Secret Languages

If you've never heard for The Secret Language, am I happy to notify you about it.

It started as a book, but now it's much more - books, readings, apps. It's not astrology we are used to, but a collective archive that culled the biographical traits of many people (famous and infamous) all throughout history and it's in a strong correlation to astrology. What made the book interesting is how it profiled the different sub characteristics of each zodiac sign for each day within a zodiac month.

I have to be honest. In some parts I had sensation that is all about Barnum effect, except those parts that flattered my ego. But I will let you decide.

More about the Secret Language

As explained on Amazon:
Combining astrology, numerology, and pure psychic intuition, The Secret Language of Birthdays is a wholly unique compilation that reveals one's strengths, weaknesses, and major issues while providing practical advice and spiritual guidance.
Authors: Gary Goldschneider, Thomas Rezek, Joost Elffers

Main Websites

Secret Language

Secret Language

Secret Language

The Secret Language of Destiny

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Personal Readings

Personal Secret Language of DestinyPersonal Secret Language of Destiny

Relationship Readings

Secret Language of Relationships
Secret Language of RelationshipsSecret Language of Relationships
Secret Language of Relationships

Celebrity Readings

Secret Language of Celebrities

Energy of the Day

The Energy of the Day

Energy of the Week

The Energy of the Week

Energy of the Way

Energy of the Way

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The secret language of destiny

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